Our lineup of investment solutions provides a foundational building block for a wide range of client preferences. Our time-tested strategies are managed by experienced professionals who focus on creating value for our clients. Why choose Equitable?
1. Market-proven, unique investment processes
We implement consistent, top-down investment management processes with market-proven results through various economic cycles. Our unique style can provide diversification benefits for clients, complementing exposures to more common growth or value style investment processes.
2. Foundational investments
Our portfolios offer diversified exposures to multiple asset classes that provide stability and serve as the foundation of an investor’s long-term investment strategy. While we implement tactical shifts across and within asset classes, our strategic mandate ensures we remain invested in key financial markets that have offered strong returns over the longer term.
3. Client-driven approach
As a mutual company, our team’s objectives and methods are designed to generate the best risk-adjusted returns for our clients. Our investment team is highly accessible to financial advisors, providing timely market information and insights into key events to ensure our clients are properly informed and positioned.
Learn about our investment approach
Learn about Equitable funds