We know it can be hard to put money away each month. Making the jump from thinking to doing is the first step in achieving your financial goal. The second step, which can be just as daunting, is to decide which type of investment option supports your financial strategy. While Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) and mutual funds from your bank may be options, it might surprise you to learn that insurance companies can offer similar products with unique advantages. The differences between the bank and an insurance company, like Equitable, may surprise you.

Did you know that Equitable offers Guaranteed Interest Accounts (GIAs)? Like a GIC, Equitable’s GIAs provide security of principal and a guaranteed interest rate. They are available for terms between 1 – 15 years and are cashable at any time. A market value adjustment may be required if cashed before expiry of the term.

Like a bank’s mutual funds, Equitable offers segregated funds. Segregated funds can be a great way to diversify your investment options. Unlike mutual funds, segregated funds can provide a maturity guarantee as well as a death benefit guarantee ranging from 75% 100% of your contributions (adjusted for withdrawals). This provides a level of principal protection regardless of any market fluctuations.

Segregated funds and GIAs are insurance contracts and have the added advantage of passing directly to beneficiaries at death, avoiding wills and potential estate fees like probate. Segregated funds and GIAs can also often be creditor protected.

Equitable offers a complete range of investment and annuity products offering protection and benefits that cannot be matched by your bank. Speak to your advisor today and learn how an Equitable investment policy can be incorporated into your personalized financial plan.