To help celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday, Equitable Life invited people from coast to coast to participate in a photo contest, Share Your Canada. We asked Canadians to send us their favourite images of our glorious country. The subject of the photo was entirely up to you - a landscape, cityscape, family, friends or selfie – whatever images represented your part of the country.
If you’ve been following the contest throughout the summer, you’ll agree that the photos we’ve received are stunning. We couldn’t be more proud of what your Canada – and our Canada – has to offer. From lakes, trails, waterfalls and towering mountains, to landmarks, family, friends and sunsets – we’ve received an assortment of photos showcasing our truly beautiful country. We can’t thank you enough for sharing your part of Canada with us.
Through a random draw from all of the entries held at 10 a.m. ET on September 11, 2017, we’ve chosen our winner. Our thanks and congratulations go to Andy H. from Ontario.
To view all of the photos entered, please visit the Share Your Canada photo album on our Facebook page.

Congratulations to Andy H. of Ontario.