Pivotal Select Investment Class is well suited for investors looking for long-term growth potential and flexibility. By investing in segregated funds, you benefit from unique protection features, providing capital security for both you and your loved ones. With the help of the Investor Profile Questionnaire, you and your advisor can determine the right combination of segregated funds for you.


Pay Only For The Protection You Require

With Pivotal Select Investment Class you pay only for the protection you require. Investment Class offers competitive management expense ratios with no additional insurance cost. For those who do not require enhanced guarantees, this reduces the cost associated with investing, while maximizing the growth potential of investments.

Creditor Protection

Pivotal Select Investment Class may be protected from the claims of creditors. Self-employed professionals and business owners should protect their personal holdings from professional liability. In the event of bankruptcy or lawsuit your personal assets may be protected from seizure if you have named your spouse, child, parent or grandchild as beneficiary. This is a valuable feature for professionals and small business owners.

Estate Benefits

If you have named a beneficiary other than your estate, proceeds of the contract are paid directly to the beneficiary, bypassing probate. Probate can be a time consuming and expensive legal process as most governments charge a costly probate fee. As long as your named beneficiary survives you, the benefits from this policy do not pass into the estate upon death. This feature also serves to protect investor privacy, once a will is probated it becomes a publicly available record in the province of residence.

Additional Protection

In addition to inherent segregated fund benefits, base level guarantees have also been built into the Investment Class contract. Our death benefit guarantee provides a 75% guarantee of premiums upon the death of the annuitant regardless of the market performance of the account. Any withdrawals will reduce the death and maturity benefit guarantee amounts proportionally to the reduction in market value.

Pivotal Select Investment Class is a robust segregated fund offering for investors looking for growth potential and flexibility. Investors can choose from a diverse selection of investment funds from a variety of Canadian fund managers. Whether your style is value or growth, you’re seeking fixed income or equity, or you’re looking to invest within Canada or abroad, our investment solutions can be tailored to meet your specific objectives. 

Any amount that is allocated to a segregated fund is invested at the risk of the contract holder and may increase or decrease in value.

Contact your advisor to find out more about how Pivotal Select segregated funds can be incorporated into your financial plan. If you do not have an advisor and would like to speak to one, call us at 1.800.668.4095 and our customer service team would be pleased to have an advisor in your area contact you.