equitable group benefitsequitable group benefits

Group Benefits with Equitable

A better benefits experience

At Equitable, we do things a little differently and a lot more personally. Whether you’re a small business, or have offices nation-wide, we understand that your organization is unique.

Our group benefits solutions

Get in touch with one of our Group Account Executives.


High marks from group advisors 

In a 2023 survey of more than 146 group consultants, brokers, and third-party administrators[1], Equitable ranked first among major Canadian insurers in operational management. We ranked second for Initiatives (including seminars & training) and third for technology.

[1] 2023 NMG Group Benefits Study 


Service is our business

Great service is what we do best. You get a dedicated service team – access to knowledgeable people who can answer your questions quickly.

We resolve most plan member questions about their benefits coverage in just one call. When your plan member calls us with a question, we’re there for them. We treat each caller as an individual, not a transaction. We take the time to listen and understand their questions, and we explain their benefits coverage in terms they understand. 


Our tools and technology


Online Plan Member Enrolment (OPME)

Our Online Plan Member Enrolment (OPME) tool simplifies the experience of onboarding a new benefits plan, for both plan administrators and plan members. It’s available at no additional cost for Equitable group benefits plans.

During enrolment, plan members receive their own personal emails with enrolment reminders and instructors, reducing the workload for plan administrators. 

Equitable EZClaim

Our electronic claims submission tool, Equitable EZClaim®, allows plan members to submit their claims through our secure web portal or mobile app, resulting in faster claims payments. 


Our EquitableHealth.ca® web portal gives plan administrators secure online access to make real-time change to their group information. Plan members also have access to upload documents and review their coverage and claims.


Keeping your plan affordable, predictable and sustainable

We work hard to control costs so you can provide your employees with the health coverage they need.

  • Fraud detection and prevention: Health benefits fraud can lead to increased premiums. Our Investigative Claims Unit protects your plan by using Artificial Intelligence, along with skilled investigators, to scour claims data and audit suspicious activity.
  • Drug plan management: Our in-house pharmacy experts help us implement smart controls to proactively manage the risks from high-cost drugs.
  • Disability management: Our dedicated disability specialists actively manage claims and tailor return-to-work solutions to fit the employee and the employer.